Hippocampus was founded by Ute Patrick, a veteran occupational therapist with extensive training and experience in the field of hippotherapy and animal-assisted therapy. Currently Hippocampus is hosted by Southern Vermont Therapeutic Riding Center in the beautiful town of Wilmington, Vermont. The program works with experienced equine handlers and trained horses to ensure safety. Click here to learn more about SVTRC.
What we can do for you?

Occupational Therapist’s scope of practice ranges from helping clients to regain functional skills in the areas of daily living skills, self-care and mobility to improving learning skills, foster emotional well-being and support social competence. Every client who joins Hippocampus can expect to be treated as an individual whose unique life story and goals are considered to create an optimal learning environment.

Hippocampus location was selected to provide a multitude of nature-based learning experiences. Whether we are exploring the open fields, do chores around the farm, groom and care for the animals or experience the world from horseback, we will create a learning environment that will address individual goals in an engaging yet positively challenging way.

Many of our clients and their families work with a group of dedicated professionals to improve their skills needed for every-day life. Open communication and team work is one of the corner stones at Hippocampus. Not only is the training and transparent exchange with care givers imperative for our clients’ success, but communication with other team members, such as physicians, educators and therapists, will be an integral part of our approach to ensure carry-over and progress.

At Hippocampus all of our team members are trained professionals- even the horses. Ute Patrick is the team leader and based on the individual plan of care the activities can take place in various, functionally appropriate settings. During equine assisted activities the team will consist of the client, the therapist, the horse handler and the horse. The horses at SVTRC are familiar with clients who have special needs and have been trained and are cared for under the guidelines of PATH intl. All horse handlers and other volunteers (side walkers) are trained on a regular basis and are very familiar with the premises as well as the horses.
Learn More About Us
Upcoming Schedule
We have a limited amount of appointments that have opened up on Wednesday and Friday’s over the upcoming weeks. Please contact us for availability.
Every Wednesday
45min Single Sessions
Download the new client form.
We have a limited amount of appointments that have opened up on Wednesday and Friday’s over the upcoming weeks. Please contact us for availability.
Every Friday
45min Single Sessions
Download the new client form.