Read Now: A Day in the Life of a Child With Sensory Processing Issues
Many of our clients struggle with processing the sensory information their body receives – internally, as well as externally. While we have evidence based research articles in our resource section; we would like
Study Backs Therapeutic Effects of Horseback Riding Interventions
A girl with cerebral palsy participates in hippotherapy, which a new review of research finds has a range of potential therapeutic benefits. (Erika Schultz/The Seattle Times/TNS) Whether we incorporate equine assisted
Study Finds Equine-Assisted Therapy Reduces PTS in Youth
The field of mental health services is widely undeserved and in dire need of expansion – in our beautiful of State of Vermont as well as nationwide. Equine assisted mental health interventions have
Physical Movement Improves Mental Focus – Exercise Is ADHD Medication
Physical activity is imperative to healthy development. Many of our children today lack physical activity during their day – for many different reasons; safety concerns, time spent in car seats, strollers, bouncers, too
Great Read: Neuromotor Problems At the Core of Autism
A functional magnetic resonance imaging scan. NeuroscienceNews image is adapted from the Rutgers press release. Neuromotor function is often impaired on children and adults on the Autism Spectrum. While it is
Watch Now: 3-Dimensional Movement of the Horse Gait in Relation to the Rider’s Spine
This facebook page – Horseaddict- posted a great video animation by that shows the 3-dimensional movement of the horse gait in relation to the rider’s spine,